Veterinary Services for Dogs

Nanango Country Vet - Dogs

Health and Well Being


Responsible pet care requires puppies to be taken to the Vet for their initial course of vaccinations, but this can not protect them for the rest of their lives. The immunity weakens overtime and your pet can again become susceptible to disease. Vaccinations need to be given yearly for life to ensure continued immunity.

Should your pet become infected, treatment can require frequent visits to our surgery and possibly hospitalisation.

However not all diseases can be cured and disability or death may result. The only practial means of protection is vaccination.

When should your dog or puppy be vaccinated?

Puppies will be “temporarily” protected against many diseases by antibodies received through their mother’s milk. These maternal antibodies decline in the first few months of a puppy’s life, however until they drop sufficiently they can neutralise vaccines. This is why a series of vaccines is necessary. Under normal conditions for an initial course of vaccination visits and our surgery recommends 2 to 3 vaccination visits, depending on when the first vaccination is given. Thereafter, annual booster vaccinations will provide the best protection for the life of your pet.


Worming is a very important part of a dog’s health care regime. This involves both intestinal worming and heartworm prevention. There are many products on the market and the options can be very overwhelming for a pet owner. The best option is to come into the vet and allow us to tailor a worming protocol that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

Dog Diseases

Canine Parvovirus

Canine Parvovirus (CPV) prevention is part of the basic C3 vaccination. This disease causes vomiting and bloody diarrhoea mainly in puppies, but in unvaccinated adult dogs as well. CPV is a severe disease that can cause death if left untreated. It is important that puppies are vaccinated against this disease and are kept inside/on their owners property until they are full vaccinated.

Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine adenovirus-1)

Infectious Canine Hepatitis prevention is also included in the basic C3 vaccination. This disease results in infection of the liver and kidneys causing fever, depression, loss of appetite, coughing and a tender abdomen. Death can occur due to liver disease.

Canine Distemper

Canine Distemper is the third disease that is covered by the basic C3 vaccination. Incidence of this disease has greatly reduced since regular vaccination of dogs has become common protocol. This virus affects a lot of different body systems resulting in signs such as: high fever, eye inflammation and discharge, nose discharge, laboured breathing and coughing, vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite and lethargy and (in severe cases) neurological signs.

Kennel Cough

C4 and C5 vaccinations include components to prevent kennel cough. C4 vaccinates against parainfluenza virus while a C5 vaccination protects again parainfluenza and bordetella bronchiseptica (a bacterial cause). Kennel cough in contracted through contact with infected dogs and can cause dry, hacking or productive cough in affected animals. Most animals that contract kennel cough will recover without incident, however the secondary infections that occur with this disease can cause dogs to become very unwell.

For more information about our veterinary services for dogs and puppies of all ages, call us on 07 4163 3388 or fill in our contact us form.