Conferences and Continuing Education

Our Practice Owner and Principal Veterinarian Kathy regularly attends courses, conferences and workshops on small and large animal medicine and surgery, and any other course and attendances from which updates, skills and learning within and correlated towards her profession can be achieved!
Conferences / Courses / Workshops / Events include:
2020: Equine Practitioners Course, Gatton
2019: Vet Team member at 3 Day Event (Adelaide), Equine Sports Medicine (Gawler, SA), Essentials of Equine Reproduction (Agnes Banks, NSW); Australian Small Animal Conference (Gold Coast), FEI Endurance vetting course and FEI 80/120/160km 4* Endurance Event as 4* Line Vet (South Africa); Emergency Animal Disease Workshop (BQ), FEI 80/120km 3* Endurance Event, Table Top, NSW as 4* Treatment Vet and 4* Line Vet.
2018: Bain Fallon Equine Conference (Gold Coast)
2017: Canine Cruciate Surgery Workshop; FEI General Course (Indonesia); Tranquilization by Dart Course; South Africa Wildlife Vets Field Trip (truly amazing!)
2016: Food Futures Conference; FEI Veterinary Course (NZ)
2015: Australian Cattle, Sheep and Alpaca Vets Conference, (TAS)
Previous Years:
International Camelid Conference, USA; Australian Alpaca Vets Conference, Peru; Australian Alpaca Vets Conference, Ireland
Full Year CVE Medicine of Horses Distance Education Course
Essentials of Equine Dentistry Post-Graduate Workshop
Horse Endoscopy